Evaluation & Impact Assessments

Understanding the real impact of leadership and management development programmes is essential to know their lasting value.

  1. How well did the programme align with the needs of the organisation and the individual?
  2. To what extent has the learning been transferred and been relevant?
  3. How and where have participants applied what they have learned on themselves, their teams and their wider organisations?
  4. How long did this impact last?
  5. Was it life changing or gear changing or simply ‘useful? 
  6. Was it value for money?
  7. Do you care?

Understanding and quantifying the impact of Management and Leadership Programmes is essential in assessing what has worked well, what could work better, and what has maximum lasting impact on your staff and organisation. 

Key is developing an Evaluation Framework before a programme starts. 

This includes:

  • Defining the desired Outcome for your programme
  • Agreeing how you will evidence Success and how you will collect this
  • Aligning the priorities of the Participant – Organisation – Provider
  • Creating a Baseline – so you can assess the change and impact

Innovas has worked across the NHS, other Public Sector organisation, and the Private Sector carrying out these Impact Assessments, and also looking at Value for Money where possible.

At Innovas we combine our insight from the design and delivery of programmes with our wider background in evaluation and evidencing of the impact in investment in organisational development. 

If you would like more information or simply to talk to us please contact:  talent.development@innovas.co.uk or call us on 01606 551122

Research and
Evaluation capturing
Successful outcomes

Talent Development